Non-Surgical Facelift

PDO lifting threads are made from a barbed suture material. They are inserted under the skin and can lift sagging areas, creating a rejuvenated look. The threads dissolve over time, stimulating the release of collagen. Results will last for six months or more.

Procedures Include:

  • Lower-Face Lift

  • Mid-Face Lift

  • Neck Lift

  • Eyebrow Lift

Lower-Face Lift

PDO lifting threads are suture material inserted under the skin that can lift sagging jowls and promote collagen formation. Dermal filler can be added to restore volume loss. They can also be used in the mid face for sagging cheeks, for an eyebrow lift, and neck lift. There is no social downtime.

Neck Lift

PDO lifting threads were inserted under the skin in the neck. This helped to eliminate sagging skin. PDO smooth threads were inserted to promote collagen formation and help further tighten the skin.